
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Legalization of Marijuana California. Prop 19

Should they pass prop 19 in California on November 2nd 2010? Is this the final line that pushes ourselves as a society to become morally bankrupt? The video below give some good points to both sides.

My thoughts are that it is inevitable. People are getting Weed if they want it. For younger people(teenagers) it might even be easier to get then Alcohol. To get Alcohol you need to get it from a store with ID. To get weed now if could be from a neighbor where all you need is cash. Some people still might sell it, but their urge to sell will be diminished by the sales of local businesses.

This will be great for our economy. Less finances will go to putting these people in jail, it will get the drug sellers off the street by taking away their number 1 seller, and it will be taxed. Tourist will be coming from all over the world to get in on it. It will increase jobs and create businesses. California might only be the beginning.

They do have a point on the driving. Driving high i don’t imagine is a good thing. Also you can see how many people have done it because if 52% are voting yes I am sure a bunch of them have their reasons.

What do you think?

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