
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Legalization of Marijuana California. Prop 19

Should they pass prop 19 in California on November 2nd 2010? Is this the final line that pushes ourselves as a society to become morally bankrupt? The video below give some good points to both sides.

My thoughts are that it is inevitable. People are getting Weed if they want it. For younger people(teenagers) it might even be easier to get then Alcohol. To get Alcohol you need to get it from a store with ID. To get weed now if could be from a neighbor where all you need is cash. Some people still might sell it, but their urge to sell will be diminished by the sales of local businesses.

This will be great for our economy. Less finances will go to putting these people in jail, it will get the drug sellers off the street by taking away their number 1 seller, and it will be taxed. Tourist will be coming from all over the world to get in on it. It will increase jobs and create businesses. California might only be the beginning.

They do have a point on the driving. Driving high i don’t imagine is a good thing. Also you can see how many people have done it because if 52% are voting yes I am sure a bunch of them have their reasons.

What do you think?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lime Wire is under a Court-Ordered Injunction to stop sharing files?

Lime Wire is Down? Lime Wire is under a Court-Ordered Injunction to stop sharing files?
Well for those who don’t know what Lime Wire is, it is a program download and people shares files. You can put up your files to be shared and can download files of other users who are sharing. This is known as PTP, either person-to person, or peer-to-peer. This has come to may people putting music files, videos, and programs to be downloaded illegally. It is was out for so long because you agree when you download it that you will not use it to download illegally but everyone does.
Can you get in trouble?
They can find who is downloading by your IP address for sure. Even if you erase evidence there are Ghosts Files on your computer that they can access. Your computer keeps track of everything that you do. But think like this, there are millions of people doing this and by now you would have herd of people getting in trouble. The man power it would take, the warrants and court fees, time, simply is not a likely choice for our government to take. If you are sharing hundreds of movies, thousands of songs, and hundreds of programs which millions are downloading from, you might get in trouble but the odds are still slim. Their best bet is not to go for the bee but the hive. They are trying to get rid of the source, not the millions that use it.
Could be good for our Economy
Our Economy sucks. The worth of the American Dollar Bills in decreasing compared to other currencies. Anyways, European, Chinese, and other countries, love american music. But they use these programs to get all of it free. If they spend more money on the music, more the artist make, more tax they have to pay, more the government makes, and more out of the other countries. Could help a lot. We are taking all of our business over seas because it is cheeper, that is where a lot of Americas money is spend. We need some back.
Oh yeah, Frost Wire is still Working :)
I never said that I used or use any of these programs.

Did You Know? 3.0

Did you know videos are very interesting. They tell us how the world is ending up throughout our technological advances and how America is inferior to the world specifically to India and China. I will advise to watch the video.

Our Week Starts on a Sunday????

What? This is just getting to me. Why in the world on our calendars does it begin with Sunday. First of all, there are week days which include Mon-Fri. Then there are week ends which include Sat-Sun. Should not our week end on a week end and begin on a week day? I mean, it is stated in the Christian Bible that God created the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th. Is not our rest day Sunday? That should be the last day of the week, not the first!!!!!! When did this go wrong. It would be too late to change it because it would mess every thing up! It will be this way forever unfortunately :(

IDK This Just Gets Me Every Time

Video-Don’t Throw Paper Clips at your Co-Worker

Thought this was funny.


We are talking about software not hardware. Price will also be included. which one runs better, the Mac. Which one is better with viruses, Mac. No virus protection needed. I am not even sure if they can get viruses. Out of the box software like for photos and video editing. The Mac. Adobe and Microsoft programs like Photo Shop and Microsoft word are more expensive to get on the mac. Because they usually come with the window version. Not the adobe just the Microsoft. Gaming goes to the Pc. From games you download off the internet and games you but they are usually only able to run on the Pc. The Pc people came out with vista and windows 7. Vista sucked but Windows 7 is ledgit. then apple came out with snow leopard. The only thing wrong with the MAC is that all the software out there is based on the Windows or Microsoft format and cannot even be used by the Mac users.
The prices. You can get a good windows running computer with about 500 GB Hard drive, 4 GB ram, and a 2.26 GHz processor chip for about $800. That is a good price compared to the Mac.
The iMac now with a 500 GB Hard Drive, 4 GB ram, and a 3.06 Ghz chip is at $1,200
If you have the money to spare. then get a Mac. If you only use your computer to surf the web and use microsoft powerpoint then get a Pc. But if you are into Photo editing, Video Editing, music editing, widgets and much more, have the money, then get a MAC.

Your Computer Hardware

No matter what kind of computer, it’s capability is based on it’s hardware. Reading this will give you a better understanding of a good computer and a not so good computer. First you need to know bites scale. It goes from Kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes, and finally Trilobytes. Or displayed as KB, MG, GB, and TB.
1024 KB=1MB. 1024 MB=1 GB. 1024 GB= 1 TB
(changed from 1000 to 1024 to be exact…)
You need to know 3 parts of your computer that help it run faster. Your Hard Drive(storage on your computer) The RAM (helps run your programs, and software faster) and it’s processing chip this is measured in GHz.
The good computer that should have no problems running well and fast:
Hard drive=80-120-still a bit small
Ram=2 GB
a 2.2 or higher Processing chip.
These change and keep increasing. Check what your computer has but going to your control panel, system and there you can check. on a MAC, click on the apple on the top left of the screen and click about this Mac. Storage capacity is displayed at the bottom of ever folder.

What is the Best Internet Browser?

I have had and tried them all. There is Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera, and some other generic ones. If you are using internet explorer, then please after you read this go download one of these above because that one is so far behind. Safari is really fast but can over look and load the script wrong. opera use to be the best when it came out. The undoubtedly best internet browser is definitely  FIREFOX!!!! Firefox is supported on both Mac’s and Pc’s. It has like an app store of free add on’s to customize you look, feel, homepage, and bookmarks. It has Add ons to download videos from youtube and flv downloading. It is th fastest and simply the best. It has thousands of add ons to make firefox your own. Go Download it. As of right now it is in version 3.8 i believe.

Click here to Download the Latest Firefox! (highly recommended)

NerdBosses Blog

The new Nerdbosses blog will be hosted and run by me ( the owner and head master chief ). I will be talking about anything that I want to. Some things might be completely random and out there but it’s whatever. Be sure to view and comment on your opinions.