Lime Wire is Down? Lime Wire is under a Court-Ordered Injunction to stop sharing files?
Well for those who don’t know what Lime Wire is, it is a program download and people shares files. You can put up your files to be shared and can download files of other users who are sharing. This is known as PTP, either person-to person, or peer-to-peer. This has come to may people putting music files, videos, and programs to be downloaded illegally. It is was out for so long because you agree when you download it that you will not use it to download illegally but everyone does.
Can you get in trouble?
They can find who is downloading by your IP address for sure. Even if you erase evidence there are Ghosts Files on your computer that they can access. Your computer keeps track of everything that you do. But think like this, there are millions of people doing this and by now you would have herd of people getting in trouble. The man power it would take, the warrants and court fees, time, simply is not a likely choice for our government to take. If you are sharing hundreds of movies, thousands of songs, and hundreds of programs which millions are downloading from, you might get in trouble but the odds are still slim. Their best bet is not to go for the bee but the hive. They are trying to get rid of the source, not the millions that use it.
Could be good for our Economy
Our Economy sucks. The worth of the American Dollar Bills in decreasing compared to other currencies. Anyways, European, Chinese, and other countries, love american music. But they use these programs to get all of it free. If they spend more money on the music, more the artist make, more tax they have to pay, more the government makes, and more out of the other countries. Could help a lot. We are taking all of our business over seas because it is cheeper, that is where a lot of Americas money is spend. We need some back.
Oh yeah, Frost Wire is still Working

I never said that I used or use any of these programs.