
Sunday, December 26, 2010

How to Get Iphone Apps for Free

For this to work you must have your iphone, ipod, or ipad jailbroken. I have a tutorial on how to do that but up to versions 4.0.1. You have to have it jailbroken because you need to install the app Installous from cydia which is like the black market of the app store.

1.Open Cydia
2.Click On manage then sources
3.Edit and add the source
4.Now go back to cydia, manage, sources and click on
5.Install Installous
Now you can download any app for free from the Installous App

I will soon start posting my favorite apps and games

Friday, December 17, 2010

Can Anyone Beat My Doodle Jump Score?

Doodle Jump High Score 86,947!!!

Just wondering if anyone out there can beat my Doodle Jump Score. It is a Game on the iphone or android. Currently my friends can't beat me and screw the global high scores because they are fake! Cheaters!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Special Thanks By Google to NerdBosses

It is Google's AdWords 10th anniversary and has made a video with my sites name into it for being one of their advertisers. Made me feel good and want to share it with you.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Metrodome Roof Collapse (Pro Football Stadium)

What an Engineering Fail! They wanted a roof that they could take off on nice days. They didn't consider the weight of piled up snow.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

Alright, I am not going to go over all of the keyboard shortcuts because there are so many of them and not worth remembering all of them, only the ones I think are useful. The Windows Keyboard shortcuts and Mac shortcuts are very similar but the main difference is instead of the control button, on a Mac, you would press the apple button or also known as the Command button.
(CTRL-or-Apple)+C: Copy
(CTRL-or-Apple)+X: Cut
(CTRL-or-Apple)+V: Paste
(CTRL-or-Apple)+Z: Undo
(CTRL-or-Apple)+B: Bold
(CTRL-or-Apple)+U: Underline
(CTRL-or-Apple)+I: Italic
(CTRL-or-Apple)+A: Selects Entire Document
(CTRL-or-Apple)+P: Print
(CTRL-or-Apple)+N: New Document or Tab
(CTRL-or-Apple)+O: Open Existing Document
(CTRL-or-Apple)+W: Close current Window
(CTRL-or-Apple)+Shift+N: Create New Folder

My Favorite is (CTRL-or-Apple)F: type a word and immediately finds that word on the page. Very useful and not many people know about it.

MAC Keyboard Shortcuts:
Control+Scroll: Zooms in on the screen
Apple+Shift+3: Take a picture of the screen will leave a .png file on desktop
Apple+Shift+4: Take a picture of the selection will leave a .png file on desktop
Also Hold Shift and Minimize Window

-you can also take a screen shot with Windows 7/Vista with the Snipping Tool
-everyone knows about Control+Alt+Delete

Afro Ninja / Never Scare a Black Man

I was just going to put Afro Ninjs then I saw this one too haha.